August 31, 2020

Ways to Make Distance Learning Successful for your Kids this Fall
The coronavirus has not only impacted our health but has impacted our kids’ education since the spring. This fall, public schools in our area will not open their doors for the new school year with online distance learning taking its place. While distance learning cannot replace a live, in school education there are ways to make the most of it for our kids.
Get Organized
A good start to the school year like any other year would be to get organized. If your school sends out a school supply list, order the items on the list to ensure your child has everything they need to attend virtual school. Items such as notebooks, pens, pencils properly stored and organized will help your child do their assignments and participate.
Post a Schedule
As the new school year begins, each grade level will most likely have a posted schedule that your children will need to follow to ensure proper learning and attendance. Print out each of your children’s schedules and color code them if necessary, for your children. Post it where they can see and follow the schedule i.e.; above their desk, or inside of their general notebooks. This will allow your children to be ready for every day.
Ensure Proper Workplace
Before the school year starts, it will be crucial to set up a proper workplace or study space for your kids. This could be a desk in their rooms, a home office or the kitchen table. The importance of having a quiet, clean and clutter free workspace will determine how well your children focus on their school work. It is a good idea to have clean spaces to work at, you can clean your home before your kids go back to school or schedule a one-time cleaning with a professional cleaning company.
Breaks and Physical Activity
A full school day in front of the computer can leave your kids feeling tired, so make sure to schedule regular breaks where they take a walk, eat a snack and get regular physical activity. Make this a consistent family activity if everyone is regularly working in front of a screen. This will also ensure that you are spending time as a family and releasing your energy and any negative emotions that may come up because of drastic changes to your routines.
Protective Eye Gear
Since most kids don’t have not been receiving their education virtually, they may not be accustomed to being in front of a screen for long periods of time. Their eyes may become strained over the next couple of months from the excessive blue lights from screens. To protect your kids’ eyes from the screen it may be a worthwhile to invest in protective eye gear that reduces glare and relieves eye strain associated with long term screen use. Many online retailers sell eyeglasses to block blue light.
Let Us Help Keep Your Home Safe and Save You Time
While nothing is close to normal this year, we can take steps to find a comfort level in our new normal and strive to make the best of our current situation. Helping our kids to prosper with their distance learning will ensure that they do not fall behind in their school work and grade levels. Maid Bright is here to help with your house cleaning so that you can help your family get prepared for the new school year, call to schedule your free in-home estimate or book now!
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