May 16, 2024

woman in apron wiping clean tabletop

How to Reduce the Spread of Germs in Your Home

From flu season to winter colds, germs can make their way indoors and infect your family. While it may be impossible to eliminate all germs from your home, you can target the infectious ones that make you sick, namely viruses and bacteria. Here are a few tips on how to get rid of germs in the house.

Follow Good Hygiene Practices

Proper hygiene is the simplest and most cost-effective way to prevent the spread of germs in your home, especially when someone in your house is sick‎. Good hygiene practices include:
  • Hand washing when coming home, before meals, and after using the restroom‎.
  • Covering your mouth with your elbow or tissue when you sneeze or cough‎.
  • Not touching your face when possible‎.
  • Not sharing drinks, foods, or personal items like toothbrushes‎.
  • Sanitizing shared items, like the remote control and thermostat‎.

Sanitize Your House

Many people don’t realize there is a difference between cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting‎. Cleaning uses soap or detergent and water to remove dust, dirt, grime, and some germs from surfaces‎. Sanitizing removes the majority of germs, while disinfecting is an added step that kills germs on surfaces‎.
Here’s how to sanitize your house like a pro:

1‎. Use the Right Products

What kills bacteria and other germs on surfaces? Every home should have two main cleaning products to tackle this job — an all-purpose cleaner and a disinfectant‎.
An effective all-purpose cleaner handles most cleaning jobs, from kitchens and bathrooms to living areas‎. A sanitizing spray or a weaker bleach solution can sanitize an object or surface area‎. You can also boil objects in water to help sterilize them‎. Disinfecting requires a strong bleach solution or a disinfecting product registered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)‎.
Be sure to wear gloves and follow all product label instructions while cleaning‎.

2‎. Clean Before Sanitizing

A surface must be cleaned before you can kill harmful bacteria and viruses‎. A soiled or cluttered surface makes it harder for sanitizing chemicals to reach and destroy germs‎.

3‎. Clean Regularly

Regular cleaning is often enough to stop the spread of germs unless someone in your home is sick‎. Most areas can be cleaned weekly or as needed‎. Clean your kitchen and high-touch surfaces more often‎. These areas have a large potential for household germs and a high probability of exposure‎.

4‎. Clean and Sanitize Strategically

Not every job requires sanitizing or disinfecting‎. If you’re worried about germs, take a strategic approach to your cleaning habits‎.
Clean high-touch hotspots regularly or every time you have visitors in your home‎. This includes:
  • Doorknobs
  • Handles
  • Toilet flushers
  • Light switches
  • Electronics, keyboards, and remote controls
  • Countertops
  • Tables
  • Bathrooms
Use sanitizing spray or disinfectant in these areas when someone in your household is sick‎. You should also sanitize or disinfect surfaces or objects that pets and children use or places where you make and prepare food‎.

Reduce the Spread of Germs With Professional Home Cleaning

If you’re worried about illness spreading in your home or need a helping hand, contact Maid Bright for professional cleaning services‎. From one-time cleanups to recurring house cleaning plans, we help homeowners keep their homes tidy and germ-free‎.
Schedule a free in-home estimate today‎.

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